{"topmainblogs":[{"uid":"333","category":"FEATURE","title":" 2024: The Best Reverse Diabetes Diet Plan","description":"At its core, a reverse diabetes diet plan centers around a paradigm shift in lifestyle, mostly driven by a well-crafted diet plan and significant lifestyle adjustments. The impact of lifestyle decisions is particularly significant in the case of type 2 diabetes, giving room for treatment through conscious meal selection, weight control, and increased physical activity.","date":"December 7, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Diabetes_Reversal.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/2023-the-best-reverse-diabetes-diet-plan"}],"topsubblogs":[{"uid":"332","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding Finger Joint Pain: Causes and Remedies","description":"Finger joint pain, while common, disrupts regular activities and is extremely uncomfortable. In order to successfully manage and eliminate finger joint pain, it is important to understand the underlying causes of this discomfort. Find out how you can manage the pain here.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/finger_joint_pain.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-finger-joint-pain-causes-and-remedies"},{"uid":"331","category":"FEATURE","title":"Common Causes of Knee Pain in Women","description":"Knee pain is a prevalent issue affecting individuals of all ages, often beginning suddenly after an exercise or injury and sometimes starting as mild discomfort that gradually worsens. Women are particularly prone to knee injuries and chronic knee pain due to various physiological and lifestyle factors. This pain can range from intermittent aches to chronic, progressive pain and disability, affecting the quality of life significantly.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Knee_Pain.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/common-causes-of-knee-pain-in-women"},{"uid":"330","category":"FEATURE","title":"Postprandial Blood Sugar Test | How To Control Spikes\t","description":"High blood sugar levels, usually a consequence of unregulated diabetes, is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Managing high blood sugar requires regular monitoring, and one essential test in this regard is the postprandial blood sugar test (PPBS).","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Postprandial.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/postprandial-blood-sugar-test-how-to-control-spikes"},{"uid":"329","category":"FEATURE","title":"Diarrhea: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment","description":"Diarrhea is a common digestive ailment that virtually everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It is characterized by frequent, watery bowel movements that can vary in severity. \n\nIn this article, let's shed light on the causes and symptoms of diarrhea and learn how to treat and manage it.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Diarrhea_02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/diarrhea-symptoms-causes-treatment"}],"blogs":[{"uid":"328","category":"FEATURE","title":"Thyroid Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment","description":"The thyroid plays a pivotal role in controlling critical body functions through hormone production. However, when its functionality is skewed, a myriad of health complications can arise. \n\nIn this blog, let's understand more about thyroid disease, and its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Thyroid_Disease.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/thyroid-disease-symptoms-causes-treatment"},{"uid":"327","category":"FEATURE","title":"Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment","description":"The thyroid, resembling a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of our necks, is crucial for producing hormones that regulate various bodily functions. Unfortunately, like other organs, the thyroid can be impacted by cancer. In this blog, let's delve into thyroid cancer, exploring symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Thyroid_Cancer.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/thyroid-cancer-symptoms-causes-diagnosis-treatment"},{"uid":"310","category":"FEATURE","title":"Appendicitis Uncovered: Recognizing Signs, Understanding Causes, Accurate Diagnosis, and Effective Treatment","description":"Appendicitis is a medical condition that requires prompt attention, as it can quickly progress from discomfort to a potentially life-threatening emergency. In this exploration of appendicitis, we will delve into its two distinct forms: acute and chronic. These variations of the condition present unique challenges, symptoms, and treatment approaches, which we will detail in this blog.","date":"September 18th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Appendicitis.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/appendicitis-uncovered-recognizing-signs-understanding-causes-accurate-diagnosis-and-effective-treatment"},{"uid":"309","category":"FEATURE","title":"Breast Cancer: A Guide to Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment","description":"Breast cancer is a widespread disease, comprising 23% of all cancer cases. Early detection and treatment are vital for better survival rates. In this guide, we provide an overview of breast cancer, covering symptoms, causes, risks, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, empowering women to make informed health choices.","date":"September 18th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Breast_Cancer.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/breast-cancer-a-guide-to-symptoms-causes-and-treatment"},{"uid":"308","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options","description":"Brain tumours are a condition where cells in the brain grow uncontrollably, leading to various health concerns. They can be caused by genetic changes, exposure to radiation, or issues with the immune system. There are two primary types of brain tumours: primary, which originate in the brain itself, and secondary, which start elsewhere in the body and migrate to the brain. In this article, we talk about brain tumours, their symptoms, and types, and also tell you if it can be prevented.","date":"September 18th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Brain_Tumours.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-brain-tumours-types-symptoms-and-treatment-options"},{"uid":"301","category":"FEATURE","title":"Haemorrhoids: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Them","description":"Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are a prevalent medical condition that affects most people. Characterised by painless rectal bleeding during defecation and prolapsing anal tissue, haemorrhoids resemble varicose veins. \n\nThis article speaks about the nature of haemorrhoids, their prevalence, risk factors, types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and complications, and also tells you about some home treatments for piles.","date":"August 29th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Haemorrhoids.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/haemorrhoids-a-guide-to-understanding-and-treating-them"},{"uid":"300","category":"FEATURE","title":"Heart Palpitations: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment","description":"Heart palpitations are a common experience that can be caused by a variety of factors. They can be described as a fluttering, racing, or pounding sensation in the chest. While heart palpitations can be alarming, they are not always a sign of a serious health problem.\n\nIn this blog post, we will discuss the causes of heart palpitations, how to identify them, and when to see a doctor. We will also provide tips on how to manage heart palpitations and reduce their frequency.","date":"August 29th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Heart_Palpitations.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/heart-palpitations-symptoms-causes-and-treatment"},{"uid":"299","category":"FEATURE","title":"What Is Prediabetes? Know All About This Silent Condition","description":"Prediabetes has emerged as a significant precursor to type 2 diabetes. While often overlooked, prediabetes plays a crucial role in understanding the progression of diabetes and its associated complications. With its subtle symptoms and potential for grave consequences, prediabetes demands our attention and a proactive approach to prevention. This article delves into the intricacies of prediabetes, exploring its causes, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and strategies for prevention and treatment.","date":"August 29th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__1__02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-is-prediabetes-know-all-about-this-silent-condition"},{"uid":"298","category":"FEATURE","title":"Cholesterol: Everything You Need To Know","description":"In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of cholesterol, how to measure your cholesterol levels, and what you can do to lower your cholesterol if it is too high. We will also provide some tips on how to eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight, both of which can help to improve your cholesterol levels.","date":"August 29th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__2__02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/cholesterol-everything-you-need-to-know"},{"uid":"290","category":"FEATURE","title":"PCOS Diet: Foods to Avoid for Better Management","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that affects many women worldwide. While there is no cure for PCOS, adopting a healthy diet can significantly help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.\n\nThis blog will focus on the foods that individuals with PCOS should avoid to minimize hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and insulin resistance. The blog will also speak about some foods that can be used as substitutes for healthy living with PCOS","date":"July 28th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Foods_to_Avoid_for_Better_Management.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-diet-foods-to-avoid-for-better-management"},{"uid":"289","category":"FEATURE","title":"PCOS Diet Plan: Essential Nutrients and Effective Diets for Managing Symptoms","description":"Proper nutrition is of utmost importance when it comes to managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women. Following a well-balanced PCOS Diet Plan can significantly help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health. In this article, we will explore essential nutrients to include in a PCOS diet and discuss 11 effective diets recommended for managing PCOS.","date":"July 28th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Effective_Diets_for_Managing_Symptoms.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-diet-plan-essential-nutrients-and-effective-diets-for-managing-symptoms"},{"uid":"288","category":"FEATURE","title":"A Holistic Approach to Natural Management of PCOS: How to Cure PCOS Naturally","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) has a global impact on women's health. Although medical solutions are available, an increasing interest has emerged in natural approaches that utilise diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to complement traditional treatments, effectively managing PCOS symptoms.\n\nOver the years, there has been a growing focus on holistic strategies for treating PCOS, which include lifestyle modifications, tailored diet plans, and targeted nutrient supplementation. These comprehensive methods aim to restore hormonal balance, boost fertility, and alleviate the often overwhelming symptoms associated with the condition. Empowering women to actively manage their PCOS and enhance their overall quality of life, these approaches harness the power of nutrition, exercise, and stress management","date":"July 28th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Natural_Management_of_PCOS.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/a-holistic-approach-to-natural-management-of-pcos-how-to-cure-pcos-naturally"},{"uid":"287","category":"FEATURE","title":"Taking Charge of Your Hormonal Health: Exploring Endocrinology at Aster DM Healthcare, Dubai","description":"Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that studies hormones and their effects on the body. Hormones, which act as chemical messengers, play a crucial role in controlling various bodily functions, including temperature regulation, sleep patterns, emotional states, stress responses, growth, and overall well-being.\n\nThe endocrine system consists of a complex network of glands that produce hormones. When hormone levels are balanced, the body functions smoothly; however, imbalances can lead to health problems.","date":"July 28th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Taking_Charge_of_Your_Hormonal_Health.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/taking-charge-of-your-hormonal-health-exploring-endocrinology-at-aster-dm-healthcare-dubai"},{"uid":"284","category":"FEATURE","title":"Cardiac Arrest in Young Adults: Causes, Warning Signs, and Prevention Measures","description":"Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a relatively uncommon yet alarming occurrence in young adults. A sudden cardiac attack occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating due to irregular heart rhythms. SCA can strike during physical activity, at rest, or even during sleep.\n\nThe most common cause of SCA is faulty electrical signalling in the heart, resulting in a condition known as ventricular fibrillation. These irregular palpitations of the heart's lower chambers prevent proper blood pumping. While the exact underlying heart issues are often unknown, many cases of sudden cardiac death in young people are attributed to genetic or congenital conditions.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Cardiac_Arrest_in_Young_Adults.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/cardiac-arrest-in-young-adults-causes-warning-signs-and-prevention-measures"},{"uid":"283","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding Cardiac Emergencies","description":"Cardiac emergencies include a range of serious conditions that can abruptly endanger an individual's life. The most critical and immediate concerns among these emergencies are heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest, which require immediate attention and quick response.\n\nHeart attacks, also known as myocardial infarctions in medicine, occur when the blood supply to the heart is significantly reduced or completely blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle tissue.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Understanding_Cardiac_Emergencies.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-cardiac-emergencies"},{"uid":"282","category":"FEATURE","title":"Protecting Your Heart: Understanding the Connection Between Diabetes and Heart Disease","description":"Diabetes, a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide, is more than just high blood sugar levels. Along with well-known complications such as kidney problems, nerve damage, and vision loss, cardiovascular disease is one of the most serious and potentially has fatal consequences. Diabetes is said to significantly increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.\n\nIn this article, we will look at the connection between diabetes and heart health, looking at how this chronic condition can affect the heart and how diabetes management can help reduce these risks.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Connection_Between_Diabetes_and_Heart_Disease.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/protecting-your-heart-understanding-the-connection-between-diabetes-and-heart-disease"},{"uid":"281","category":"FEATURE","title":"Managing PCOS: Key Lifestyle Modifications for Women with PCOS and Pregnancy","description":"Women with PCOS encounter a range of health challenges that require attentive medical support. Irregular periods, one commonly reported symptom stems from hormonal imbalances induced by the condition. This symptom can contribute to female fertility problems. Thus, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, including diet modifications and regular exercise, is often emphasized by PCOS doctors as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for managing PCOS. \n\nIn this article, we will delve into three essential lifestyle modifications that have a significant impact on the management of PCOS, offering symptom relief, hormonal balance, and overall health support for women with PCOS.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/PCOS_and_Pregnancy.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/managing-pcos-key-lifestyle-modifications-for-women-with-pcos-and-pregnancy"},{"uid":"280","category":"FEATURE","title":"PCOS: What You Need to Know About Fertility and Pregnancy","description":"Women's reproductive health is impacted by the prevalent illness known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a prevalent illness, can significantly affect reproductive and fertility outcomes, including an increased risk of unfavourable pregnancy outcomes. In this blog post, we'll look at how PCOS affects pregnancy in women and discuss some of the hazards it carries.\n\nPolycystic Ovary Syndrome and Pregnancy\n\nPCOS can have an impact on fertility and pregnancy, but many women with PCOS are still able to conceive and have successful pregnancies.\n\nHere are some key points to remember about PCOS and pregnancy:","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Fertility_and_Pregnancy.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-what-you-need-to-know-about-fertility-and-pregnancy"},{"uid":"279","category":"FEATURE","title":"Navigating the World of Knee Pain: A Comprehensive Guide to Causes, Diagnosis, and Effective Treatment","description":"Knee discomfort is a widespread problem that affects people all over the world. It can be caused by an injury or underlying medical conditions such as arthritis. The severity and frequency of knee pain vary by individual, but its effects on daily life are consistently disruptive.\n\nKnee uneasiness can make it difficult to walk, climb stairs, or participate in your favourite activities. It can also cause fatigue, stiffness, and a sense of insecurity. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about knee pain, including its causes, treatments, and diagnosis, as well as the various treatments available.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Navigating_the_World_of_Knee_Pain.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/navigating-the-world-of-knee-pain-a-comprehensive-guide-to-causes-diagnosis-and-effective-treatment"},{"uid":"278","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Importance of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation","description":"Orthopaedic injuries, conditions, and surgeries can all have a significant impact on a person's mobility, functionality, and overall quality of life. Fortunately, orthopaedic rehabilitation, together with physical therapy, plays an important role in restoring function, relieving pain, and speeding up the recovery process.\n\nIn this blog post, we discuss how physiotherapy treatments can help with orthopaedic conditions, explain what orthopaedic physical therapy is, and describe how orthopaedic rehabilitation procedures can help patients heal.","date":"July 12th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Orthopaedic_Physical_Therapy.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-importance-of-orthopaedic-physical-therapy-in-rehabilitation"},{"uid":"277","category":"FEATURE","title":"Choosing the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in Abu Dhabi","description":"When it comes to orthopaedic treatments, choosing the right hospital is an important step in ensuring high-quality care. Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is home to several renowned orthopaedic hospitals that provide specialised services.\n\nIn this blog, we will discuss the key factors to consider when selecting the best orthopaedic hospital in Abu Dhabi, making it easier for you to make an informed decision that meets your specific orthopaedic care needs.","date":"July 4th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/1_06.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/choosing-the-best-orthopaedic-hospital-in-abu-dhabi"},{"uid":"276","category":"FEATURE","title":"Busting Heart Health Myths: What You Need to Know","description":"Heart disease is a prevalent and serious condition that affects both men and women, debunking the myth that it solely targets the elderly. It is crucial to dispel the myths about heart health and uncover the facts to promote a better understanding of this life-threatening ailment. By understanding heart diseases, exploring common misconceptions, and presenting accurate information, we can equip ourselves with the knowledge necessary to prioritise our heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.","date":"June 30, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/3.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/busting-heart-health-myths-what-you-need-to-know"},{"uid":"275","category":"FEATURE","title":"Identifying Heart Attack Symptoms: Recognizing Warning Signs for Timely Medical Attention","description":"A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked, typically due to a blood clot. It is a medical emergency that can be life-threatening if not treated in time. Hence immediate medical intervention is imperative as a heart attack can result in a life-threatening emergency. Being able to recognize the indicators and manifestations of a heart attack is vital to ensure timely medical attention.","date":"June 30, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/2_05.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/identifying-heart-attack-symptoms-recognizing-warning-signs-for-timely-medical-attention"},{"uid":"274","category":"FEATURE","title":"Bone Disease in Women : Know the Essential Facts","description":"Bone diseases, particularly osteoporosis, pose a significant health risk for women, as they can weaken bones and increase the chances of fractures. Osteoporosis causes chronically painful conditions, and elevates vulnerability to other bone diseases. To safeguard their bone health, it is crucial for women to be aware of the symptoms and causes of osteoporosis. However, before we delve into these aspects, let's get a clear understanding of what osteoporosis entails.","date":"June 30, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/1_08.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/bone-disease-in-women-know-the-essential-facts"},{"uid":"273","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding the Impact: Car Accidents and Orthopedic Injuries, Explained","description":"Car accidents can lead to severe injuries, both visible and invisible. Orthopedic injuries, which encompass bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, are common in such accidents. These injuries can cause pain, restrict mobility, and require extensive recovery. Prompt medical attention is crucial for proper treatment and minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the common orthopedic injuries resulting from car accidents is essential to seek timely medical care and improve outcomes.","date":"June 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/2_03.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-the-impact-car-accidents-and-orthopedic-injuries-explained"},{"uid":"272","category":"FEATURE","title":"PCOS and Fertility: How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. Although PCOS can bring about challenges such as irregular periods and infertility, it is essential to understand that it is not a life-threatening condition. Women with PCOS have various natural methods at their disposal to increase their chances of conceiving quickly.","date":"June 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/1_04.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-and-fertility-how-to-improve-your-chances-of-getting-pregnant-naturally"},{"uid":"271","category":"FEATURE","title":"Getting Pregnant with PCOS: Everything You Need to Know","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It is characterized by a combination of hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and the presence of small cysts on the ovaries. PCOS not only impacts a woman's reproductive health but also poses potential long-term health risks.\n\nPolycystic Ovary Syndrome manifests through irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, and acne. Furthermore, it heightens the risk of developing other health complications, including diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea.","date":"June 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/getting-pregnant-with-pcos-everything-you-need-to-know"},{"uid":"270","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding The Different Types Of Breast Implants For Augmentation Surgery","description":"Breast augmentation surgery is a transformative procedure that has empowered countless individuals to enhance their natural beauty and boost their self-esteem. Selecting the right type of breast implant is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration and guidance from a qualified plastic surgeon. Read more to know about the types of breast implants for augmentation surgery.","date":"June 22, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__1_.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-the-different-types-of-breast-implants-for-augmentation-surgery"},{"uid":"269","category":"FEATURE","title":"Gene Replacement Therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)","description":"Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder characterized by the progressive degeneration of motor neurons, resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy. Until recently, SMA treatments were limited. However, advancements in medical science have led to the development of gene replacement therapy as a promising treatment approach. This article explores the concept of gene replacement therapy for SMA, its mechanism of action, clinical outcomes, and the potential impact it holds for patients with SMA.","date":"June 22, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__2_.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/gene-replacement-therapy-for-spinal-muscular-atrophy-sma"},{"uid":"268","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Psychological Impact of PCOS On Women","description":"Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. While PCOS is primarily known for its physical symptoms, such as irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, and ovarian cysts, it also has a significant psychological impact on women. This article explores the psychological aspects of PCOS and how it can affect women's mental and emotional health.","date":"June 22, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__4_.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-psychological-impact-of-pcos-on-women"},{"uid":"267","category":"FEATURE","title":"Hormonal Imbalances in PCOS: Role of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Androgens","description":"Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It is characterized by hormonal imbalances that have significant implications for reproductive health, metabolism, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore in detail the role of estrogen, progesterone, and androgens in PCOS, shedding light on their impact on the development and progression of the condition.","date":"June 22, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/AsterDM_Size_768x648__3_.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/hormonal-imbalances-in-pcos-role-of-estrogen-progesterone-and-androgens"},{"uid":"263","category":"FEATURE","title":"Gene Therapy Offers A New Lease On Life For Children With Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD)","description":"Metachromatic leukodystrophy or MLD is a rare genetic condition that is characterized by an accumulation of fatty substances or lipids in cells, especially in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This happens because of an abnormality in the gene for MLD - the ARSA and PSAP genes. As a result of this abnormality, they produce a defective version of the enzyme needed to break down lipids. As a result, these lipids that are called sulfatides begin to accumulate in the myelin sheath, which is a fatty sheath that protects nerve cells. While sulfatides play a vital role under normal circumstances, this kind of a buildup causes disruption of nerve activity and inflammation. This in turn leads to progressive deterioration of brain and nervous system function.","date":"April 29, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Metachromatic_Leukodystrophy.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/gene-therapy-offers-a-new-lease-on-life-for-children-with-metachromatic-leukodystrophy-mld"},{"uid":"262","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Importance of Exercise and Physical Therapy in Managing Orthopedic Conditions","description":"Physical therapy in managing orthopedic conditions is life transforming. After surgery, an injury, an accident, or an illness, a qualified physical therapist (PT) at physiotherapy and rehabilitation center Dubai can help you resume your regular activities. This is because an orthopedic physical therapist has a particular focus on identifying and treating diseases that affect any component of your musculoskeletal system.","date":"April 29, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Orthopedic.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-importance-of-exercise-and-physical-therapy-in-managing-orthopedic-conditions"},{"uid":"261","category":"FEATURE","title":"A Brighter Future For Hemophilia B Patients With Advances In Gene Therapy","description":"Hemophilia B is a rare genetic disorder that causes bleeding problems due to a deficiency or abnormality of clotting factor IX. This occurs due to a mutation in the F9 gene. People with hemophilia B may experience easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding into joints and muscles, and bleeding after surgery or dental procedures12. Hemophilia B is inherited in an X-linked recessive manner, which means it mostly affects males who inherit a faulty gene from their mothers. While conventional treatments can be life-saving for hemophilia B patients, the disease still reduces quality of life dramatically. Recent advances in gene therapy, including experimental approaches, show great promise and could potentially transform the outlook for people with hemophilia B in the near future.","date":"April 29, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Hemophilia_B.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/a-brighter-future-for-hemophilia-b-patients-with-advances-in-gene-therapy"},{"uid":"260","category":"FEATURE","title":"New Developments in Treating Alzheimer's Disease: Emerging Therapies and Their Implications","description":"Some Alzheimer's medicines improve how well brain chemicals that transfer information from one brain cell to another function. These medicines don't, however, halt the underlying deterioration and degeneration of brain cells. Alzheimer's disease keeps becoming worse as more cells start to die.","date":"April 28, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Alzheimers.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/new-developments-in-treating-alzheimers-disease-emerging-therapies-and-their-implications"},{"uid":"259","category":"FEATURE","title":"Exploring the Link between Sleep and Neurological Disorders","description":"It is becoming more and more clear that sleep is crucial for maintaining health and preventing disease as well as for healing and restoring the body and mind. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus acts as a pacemaker to regulate sleep and wake cycles, but illnesses of the nervous system that cause sleeping problems can interfere with its activity. Neurological diseases may be impacted by sleep problems and disruptions of neural pathways.","date":"April 28, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Neurological.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/exploring-the-link-between-sleep-and-neurological-disorders"},{"uid":"258","category":"FEATURE","title":"Gene Therapy: A Paradigm Shift In The Treatment Of Heart Rhythm Disorders","description":"Cardiovascular disease or heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for over 30% of all global deaths. Despite advances in modern medicine, there are still unmet needs in cardiovascular disease care. Gene therapy has emerged as the most promising option in recent years and could play an important role in the treatment of conditions such as severe cardiac and peripheral ischemia, heart arrhythmias, heart failure, and so on. The vital role of genetic factors in human health is now well-established as a result of accelerated research and the rapid development of effective gene-editing technology.","date":"April 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Gene_Therapy_03.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/gene-therapy-a-paradigm-shift-in-the-treatment-of-heart-rhythm-disorders"},{"uid":"257","category":"FEATURE","title":"Pan-Aortic Replacement Surgery: Advancements, Challenges, and Outcomes in Treating Extensive Aortic Disease","description":"Treatment options for an unhealthy or damaged aortic valve include aortic valve replacement and aortic valve repair.\n\nOne of the four valves that regulate blood flow in the heart is the aortic valve. It divides the body's main artery from the left ventricle, the lower left chamber of the heart (aorta).","date":"April 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Pan-Aortic.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pan-aortic-replacement-surgery-advancements-challenges-and-outcomes-in-treating-extensive-aortic-disease"},{"uid":"256","category":"FEATURE","title":"A New Outlook for Ocular Diseases Thanks to Gene Therapy Developments","description":"Inherited optic neuropathies (IONs) are a group of ocular diseases that result from genetic disorders that cause damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve is the nerve that connects the eye to the brain and carries visual information. IONs can affect the optic nerve in different ways, depending on the type and cause of the disorder. Over time, damage to the optic nerve leads to visual impairment and vision loss. These ocular diseases can affect both adults and children, severely reducing quality of life. Although there are no effective treatments available for most IONs, gene therapy for ocular diseases has seen significant advances in recent decades and the results from new clinical trials give us hope for the near future.","date":"April 26, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Gene_Therapy_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/a-new-outlook-for-ocular-diseases-thanks-to-gene-therapy-developments"},{"uid":"255","category":"FEATURE","title":"A Comprehensive Guide to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)","description":"A minimally invasive heart treatment called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is used to replace an inadequately functioning thickening aortic valve (aortic valve stenosis). Another name for transcatheter aortic valve replacement is transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Read more to know about the success rate and risks involved.","date":"April 26, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/TAVI.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-transcatheter-aortic-valve-implantation-tavi"},{"uid":"254","category":"FEATURE","title":"Is Keto Diet for PCOS Healthy and Beneficial?","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age, characterized by hormonal imbalances that lead to irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and other health issues. While lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, are often recommended as the first-line treatment for PCOS, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The ketogenic diet, which emphasizes high-fat, low-carbohydrate intake, has gained popularity in recent years as a potential way to manage PCOS symptoms. But is a keto diet healthy and beneficial for women with PCOS?","date":"April 25, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Diet.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/is-keto-diet-for-pcos-healthy-and-beneficial"},{"uid":"253","category":"FEATURE","title":"How Robotic Surgery Has Transformed Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Treatment","description":"Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common condition affecting women, particularly those who have given birth. It occurs when the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs become weak or damaged, causing the organs to drop or protrude into the vagina. POP can cause discomfort, pain, and a range of other symptoms that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. In severe cases, it can lead to difficulty with urination or bowel movements. Traditionally, POP treatment has involved invasive surgery, but with advancements in robotic surgery, the treatment options have significantly improved.","date":"April 25, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/robotic.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/how-robotic-surgery-has-transformed-pelvic-organ-prolapse-pop-treatment"},{"uid":"250","category":"FEATURE","title":"Precision Medicine for Pediatric Brain Tumours: Opportunities and Challenges","description":"A contemporary method of treating a patient based on their unique qualities is known as precision medicine.\n\nThis may involve finding genetic mutations in the Tumour cells of a patient with brain Tumours. Given that some drugs or targeted therapies work better on Tumours with a particular genetic profile, this may aid with therapy planning.","date":"March 16, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Precision_Medicine_for_Pediatric_Brain_Tumors_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/precision-medicine-for-pediatric-brain-tumors-opportunities-and-challenges"},{"uid":"248","category":"FEATURE","title":"Advancements in Joint Replacement Surgery: Emerging Techniques and Their Benefits","description":"Arthroplasty is the medical term for replacing a joint. Your healthcare professional replaces a damaged joint with an artificial joint during the surgery. Metal, ceramic, or robust plastic can be used to make the artificial joint (prosthesis). The artificial joint behaves similarly to the native joint and has a comparable appearance.","date":"March 15, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Joint_Replacement_Surgery_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/advancements-in-joint-replacement-surgery-emerging-techniques-and-their-benefits"},{"uid":"246","category":"FEATURE","title":"Benefits of Opting for Da Vinci Robotic Surgery for Brain Tumours Over Traditional Surgery Methods","description":"Da Vinci is a robotic surgery system that offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery methods (both open surgery and laparoscopy). It is nowadays one of the most preferred methods of surgery by surgeons and patients alike, especially for treating brain tumours. \n\nWhy is it so? Let\u2019s find out.","date":"March 2, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Da_Vinci_Surgical_System_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/benefits-of-opting-for-da-vinci-robotic-surgery-for-brain-tumours-over-traditional-surgery-methods"},{"uid":"245","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding the Metabolic Implications of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome","description":"PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is an endocrine disorder that many women experience during their reproductive years. It is usually characterised by no period or period lasting for many days. \n\nPCOS is also closely associated with the metabolism of the body. People with PCOS are at higher risk of developing many metabolic disorders like diabetes. \n\nAre you suffering from PCOS? If yes, then you must understand the metabolic implications of this disorder. Remember understanding the problem is the key to figuring out the solution.","date":"March 2, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Polycystic_Ovary_Syndrome_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-the-metabolic-implications-of-polycystic-ovary-syndrome"},{"uid":"244","category":"FEATURE","title":"Exercise For PCOS: Best Plan, Types of Exercise, and Effects","description":"Your PCOS management plan may include exercise. Exercise not only benefits your physical health but also your ability to control stress. Finding a personal trainer and visiting your doctor might assist put you on a secure route if you are unsure of where to begin.","date":"February 3, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Exercise_For_PCOS_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/exercise-for-pcos"},{"uid":"243","category":"FEATURE","title":"Da Vinci Endometriosis Surgery: All You Need to Know","description":"The endometrium, the tissue that borders the uterus, can move outside of the uterus and develop endometriosis. Typically, this migration occurs in the region around your reproductive organs, such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Many endometriosis sufferers are asymptomatic. However, endometrial tissue patches in some women may enlarge and bleed along with their menstrual periods, which can hurt. Chronic pelvic discomfort, heavy menstrual bleeding, sex agony, pain with bowel motions or urination, and fertility problems are all possible endometriosis symptoms.","date":"February 3, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/da_vinci_endometriosis_surgery_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/robotic-surgery-for-endometriosis-all-you-need-to-know"},{"uid":"240","category":"FEATURE","title":"Pediatric Brain Tumors: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment","description":"Nothing can really prepare a parent for the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness in a child, but with modern medicine, there is reason to be optimistic. Pediatric brain tumor treatments are now extremely effective and more children are surviving than ever before. The prognosis for children with brain tumors is also much better as compared to adults with the same condition. Moreover, not all brain tumors are malignant or cancerous, with many being benign. However, whether benign or malignant, pediatric brain tumors should be diagnosed and treated swiftly as they can pose a serious risk depending on their size and location in the brain.","date":"January 31, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Pediatric_Brain_Tumor_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pediatric-brain-tumors"},{"uid":"239","category":"FEATURE","title":" PCOS Diet: Symptoms, Causes, Foods, & Diet Plan","description":"A relatively prevalent hormonal issue for women of childbearing age is PCOS. Women who have PCOS may not ovulate, have elevated testosterone levels, and have a large number of little cysts on their ovaries. Missed or irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne, infertility, and weight gain are all symptoms of PCOS. Endometrial cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart issues may all be more common in women with PCOS. Whether or not a woman intends to become pregnant may influence the sort of PCOS treatment she receives, with a balanced PCOS diet, women can manage the symptoms effectively. Different types of drugs may be taken along with the PCOS diet by women who hope to get pregnant in the future.","date":"January 31, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/diet_for_pcos_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-diet-symptoms-causes-foods-diet-plan"},{"uid":"238","category":"FEATURE","title":"Why You Should Never Ignore Orthopaedic Pain","description":"As you age, there may be some typical wear and tear on your joints, which causes mild discomfort. But if you have joint discomfort that persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should seek medical attention. If you have sudden or prolonged pain in your knee, hip, or shoulder, you might be unsure about when to contact a doctor for a joint problem. You may be able to manage your discomfort for a while without getting any medical help.","date":"January 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/04-768-X-648px_02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/why-you-should-never-ignore-orthopaedic-pain"},{"uid":"237","category":"FEATURE","title":"10 Best Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips","description":"A procedure called breast augmentation makes a person's breasts larger. Additionally called augmentation mammoplasty.\n\nImplants are typically used in procedures to increase breast size. It is also possible to use fat from another area of the body, but this approach is less popular.","date":"January 27, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/05-768-X-648px_02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/10-best-breast-augmentation-recovery-tips"},{"uid":"236","category":"FEATURE","title":"Childcare & Rehabilitation After Pediatric Brain Tumor Surgery","description":"Regular physical exams, diagnostic procedures, or both may be part of your follow-up care. Doctors want to monitor your healing over the coming months and years. You should routinely be examined for new symptoms and with regular MRI scans because many pediatric brain tumors are quite likely to relapse or come back. Your medical team will go over your precise plan with you because it relies on the type of pediatric brain tumor and other elements of how frequently you arrange follow-up appointments and have scans. Rehabilitation after pediatric brain surgery may also be advised to patients.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Brain_Tumor_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/childcare-rehabilitation-after-brain-tumour-surgery"},{"uid":"235","category":"FEATURE","title":"How Can Parents Prepare Mentally & Help Prepare A Child For Brain Surgery?","description":"The unknown outcomes of pediatric brain surgery can be overwhelming for you as a parent, but it is all the more daunting for a child. Being hospitalized and undergoing brain surgery can be really appalling for anyone, let alone a child. This is when parents need to hold their babies and assure them they will be right by their side throughout. You cannot rely on the medical staff to help your child get ready for pediatric brain surgery mentally. They need you. Because you are your child's best advocate, you as a parent may play a significant part in preparing your child to stay in the hospital for brain surgery.","date":"January 19, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/brain_surgery_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/how-can-parents-prepare-mentally-help-prepare-a-child-for-brain-surgery"},{"uid":"234","category":"FEATURE","title":"Parkinson's Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment","description":"Parkinson's disease is the fastest-growing neurodegenerative condition in the world, with an alarming prevalence in the UAE. It is a progressive disease whose symptoms may occur over a period of weeks, months or even years.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/07-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/parkinsons-disease-symptoms-causes-and-treatment"},{"uid":"233","category":"FEATURE","title":"Heart Failure Treatment in Dubai: All You Need To Know","description":"More than half of the people living in the UAE are affected by heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is even one of the leading causes of death in the UAE, making heart health of utmost importance in the country.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/06-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/heart-failure-treatment-in-dubai-all-you-need-to-know"},{"uid":"232","category":"FEATURE","title":"What Is ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) & Why Is It Used?","description":"An erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, is a blood test that helps determine the level of inflammation in your body. Also known as sedimentation or sed rate test, this test is not used to diagnose any specific condition. It only helps determine inflammation which may consequently be indicative of inflammatory diseases.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/05-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-is-esr-erythrocyte-sedimentation-rate-why-is-it-used"},{"uid":"231","category":"FEATURE","title":"Everything You Need To Know About Robotic Surgery In Saudi Arabia","description":"Robotic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery in which doctors insert a succession of extremely small incisions and tiny surgical equipment into a patient's body.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/04-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/everything-you-need-to-know-about-robotic-surgery-in-saudi-arabia"},{"uid":"230","category":"FEATURE","title":"PCOS Diet In Dubai","description":"PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a metabolic disorder usually characterized by irregular periods or no menstruation at all.\n \nAbout 8% to 20% of women in the world suffer from PCOS. This disorder is also very common in the female population of the UAE.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/03-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/pcos-diet-in-dubai"},{"uid":"229","category":"FEATURE","title":"Robotic Surgery In United Arab Emirates","description":"What is Robotic Surgery? Robotic surgery, also known as robot-assisted surgery, enables medical professionals to carry out a variety of intricate treatments with greater accuracy, adaptability, and control than is feasible with traditional methods. Robotic surgery is frequently related to minimally invasive surgery, which involves operations done through small incisions. It may also be employed occasionally during various types of open surgery.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/02-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/robotic-surgery-in-united-arab-emirates"},{"uid":"228","category":"FEATURE","title":"Everything You Need To Know About Brain Tumor Treatment In The United Arab Emirates","description":"An abnormal mass of cells growing inside or outside of your brain is called a brain tumor. Central nervous system (CNS) cancers are the collective term for spinal tumors and brain tumors. Brain tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). While some tumors enlarge swiftly, others do so slowly.","date":"December 22, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/01-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/everything-you-need-to-know-about-brain-tumor-treatment-in-the-united-arab-emirates"},{"uid":"225","category":"FEATURE","title":"Striking A Balance: The Importance Of Cardio & Strength Training For PCOS","description":"It can be emotionally taxing to live with PCOS symptoms. Increasingly, evidence indicates that women with the illness are more prone to have depressive symptoms. Regular exercise is a powerful way to lift mood and might be beneficial for those who suffer from mild to serious depression. Exercise causes the body to release endorphins, which are hormones that enhance emotions of well-being. This can lessen some depressive symptoms and aid with stress management. Therefore cardio and strength training both help manage the symptoms of PCOS.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/331_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/striking-a-balance-the-importance-of-cardio-strength-training-for-pcos"},{"uid":"224","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Best Types Of Exercise To Fight PCOS","description":"Changing your lifestyle for the better is essential for managing PCOS. Two of the most effective methods to do that are through diet and exercise, and both must be addressed for these lifestyle changes to be successful. For women with PCOS, Regular Exercise has amazing advantages that go far beyond weight loss.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/88_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-best-types-of-exercise-to-fight-pcos"},{"uid":"223","category":"FEATURE","title":"How Your Diet Can Improve Insulin Sensitivity & Alleviate PCOS Symptoms","description":"For some people, PCOS and insulin resistance go hand in hand. Controlling insulin levels with diet and exercise is crucial for treating PCOS symptoms.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/77_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/how-your-diet-can-improve-insulin-sensitivity-alleviate-pcos-symptoms"},{"uid":"222","category":"FEATURE","title":"Why Highly Restrictive Diets For PCOS Are Best Avoided","description":"You might experience occasional frustration if you have PCOS. A PCOS-friendly diet and some lifestyle adjustments may help you feel better and lessen some of the symptoms of the condition.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/66_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/why-highly-restrictive-diets-for-pcos-are-best-avoided"},{"uid":"221","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Best & Worst Foods For Anyone With PCOS","description":"One in ten women of childbearing age has PCOS, a prevalent medical disorder. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, and an elevated risk of endometrial cancer are just a few of the significant health issues it can bring on.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/55_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-best-worst-foods-for-anyone-with-pcos"},{"uid":"220","category":"FEATURE","title":"What You Need To Know Before You Use Nutritional Supplements To Manage PCOS","description":"Determining the ideal nutritional composition is necessary to supply enough nutrients and energy for growth and reproduction. It is obvious that nutrition-related signaling pathways are crucial for controlling the development and ovulation rates of ovarian follicles. Specifically, Myo-inositol and vitamin D deficiency can result in issues linked to PCOS pathogenesis. Consequently, nutritional supplements may help those with PCOS who have problems with immature oocytes, IR, hyperandrogenism, and oxidative stress.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/44_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-you-need-to-know-before-you-use-nutritional-supplements-to-manage-pcos"},{"uid":"219","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Importance Of Physical Therapy After Brain Tumour Surgery","description":"Your body has a lot to deal with after brain surgery. It will take some time before you see the benefits of having your tumour removed because the swelling in the brain occurs following an operation. You can get lightheaded or lose track of where you are or what is going on. These episodes can occur occasionally and are a typical aspect of the healing process.","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/22_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-importance-of-physical-therapy-after-brain-tumour-surgery"},{"uid":"218","category":"FEATURE","title":"Recognizing The Benefits & Accepting The Risks Of Pediatric Brain Surgery","description":"Children's brains can develop pediatric brain tumors, which are lumps or growths of abnormal cells that affect the brain or nearby tissues and systems. There are numerous varieties of pediatric brain tumors, some of which are benign (noncancerous) and others of which are malignant (malignant).","date":"December 15, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Pediatric_Brain_Surgery_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/recognizing-the-benefits-accepting-the-risks-of-pediatric-brain-surgery"},{"uid":"215","category":"COVID-19","title":"Post Covid, Kids Too Get Diabetes","description":"Doctors in Bengaluru have come across cases of children, who have developed diabetes after contracting COVID-19. In a person with Type 1 diabetes, the body doesn\u2019t produce enough insulin which breaks down sugar and turns it into energy.","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/1_02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/post-covid-kids-too-get-diabetes"},{"uid":"214","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Growing Burden of Cancer","description":"On the occasion of World Cancer Day, 4 February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency of the WHO, released two coordinated reports.","date":"November 21, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-03_505accca-7bc2-4a70-8843-42c5ded6046a_Lung_cancer_cells_hero_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-growing-burden-of-cancer"},{"uid":"213","category":"FEATURE","title":"Return to Normalcy","description":"Ten plus months, and a million and more deaths. People around the world are now longing for closure of the new \u2018normalcy\u2019 imposed on them. The world waits in fortitude for the end of it, even if everyday life will never be quite the same as it was before we were introduced to COVID-19.","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2019-08_f367be41-3989-4caa-a157-72e320590dad_AMJ_logo_01.png","slug":"\/health-library\/return-to-normalcy"},{"uid":"212","category":"PERSPECTIVE","title":"Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to Hypoxia Researchers","description":"The Nobel Assembly announced the prize at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm on October 7th 2019. Their work established the genetic mechanisms that allow cells to respond to changes in oxygen levels. The findings have implications for treating a variety of diseases, including cancer, anemia, heart attacks and strokes.","date":"November 21, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2019-11_16cb09e3-6a8a-4ead-8f91-8187c03439de_download__33__01.jpeg","slug":"\/health-library\/nobel-prize-in-medicine-awarded-to-hypoxia-researchers"},{"uid":"211","category":"FEATURE","title":"A Barefoot Surgeon With a Vision","description":"Poor and blind, what\u2019s a worse recipe for a miserable life? That too, in a region which is not exactly known for its medical facilities? Thanks to a \u2018Man with Vision\u2019, the ophthalmologist Dr. Sanduk Ruit, many poor people with \u2018avoidable blindness\u2019 have been able to get back their eyesight.","date":"December 16, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-03_5448d946-3920-42ea-8a4f-cf153586c6cd_img_p98_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/a-barefoot-surgeon-with-a-vision"},{"uid":"209","category":"FEATURE","title":"How Your PCOS Diet Can Improve Insulin Sensitivity & Alleviate PCOS Symptoms","description":"PCOS exercise and a PCOS diet are the two most important ways for people to regulate their symptoms of PCOS and their insulin levels. Blood sugar levels can be controlled by exercising moderately for at least 30 minutes each day for women dealing with PCOS side effects.","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Dysmenorrhea-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/how-exercise-improves-pcos-management"},{"uid":"208","category":"FEATURE","title":"Understanding The Procedure And Rehabilitation For Robotic Gallbladder Surgery","description":"Gallbladder surgery or a cholecystectomy is recommended for patients who suffer from gallstones that cause obstruction, pain, or inflammation in the gallbladder. The procedure involves the surgical removal of the gallbladder to prevent other complications and may also be used to treat gallbladder cancer.\u00a0","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Understanding_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/understanding-the-procedure-and-rehabilitation-for-robotic-gallbladder-surgery"},{"uid":"207","category":"FEATURE","title":"What Is Robotic Endometriosis Surgery And What Are Its Advantages?","description":"Your uterus' lining is made up of endometrial tissue. It thickens every month to get ready for pregnancy, but if you don't get pregnant, it deteriorates and sheds. These tissues develop outside of your uterus when you have endometriosis.","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Robotic_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-is-robotic-endometriosis-surgery-and-what-are-its-advantages"},{"uid":"206","category":"FEATURE","title":"Why Surgery Is Sometimes The Best Or Only Suitable Treatment For Pediatric Brain Tumours?","description":"Children's brains can develop pediatric brain tumours, which are lumps or growths of aberrant cells that affect the brain or nearby tissues and systems. There are numerous varieties of juvenile brain tumours, some of which are benign (noncancerous) and others of which are malignant (malignant).","date":"November 21, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Paediatric_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/why-surgery-is-sometimes-the-best-or-only-suitable-treatment-for-pediatric-brain-tumours"},{"uid":"205","category":"FEATURE","title":"Simple Steps To Healthy Eating For PCOS","description":"Hormone levels in women are impacted by the disorder known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Male hormones are produced in greater quantities than usual by women with PCOS.","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/6-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/simple-steps-to-healthy-eating-for-pcos"},{"uid":"204","category":"FEATURE","title":"Know More About The Link Between PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes","description":"A woman with PCOS experiences endocrine system disruption and an increase in androgen, often known as the male hormone. Particularly insulin resistance is thought to contribute to the development of PCOS. High quantities of insulin are produced by the pancreas as a result of insulin resistance by the insulin receptors.","date":"November 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/1_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/know-more-about-the-link-between-pcos-and-type-2-diabetes"},{"uid":"203","category":"FEATURE","title":"The Impact Of Physical Activity Levels On PCOS Development & Progression","description":"Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS has become increasingly common, estimated to affect up to 22.5 percent of reproductive-aged women in India. Although a common endocrinal condition, PCOS displays complex features with a variety of effects including reproductive, metabolic, and mental health complications.","date":"October 18, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/8-768-X-648px_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/the-impact-of-physical-activity-levels-on-pcos-development-progression"},{"uid":"202","category":"FEATURE","title":"Women With PCOS Have A Higher Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)","description":"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS has become a pervasive problem in India, affecting up to 22.5 percent of women in the reproductive age group.","date":"November 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/2_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/women-with-pcos-have-a-higher-risk-of-developing-type-2-diabetes-t2d"},{"uid":"201","category":"PERSPECTIVE","title":"Chinese Scientists\u2019 New Technique Wipes Out Deadly Mosquito Populations","description":"Chinese Scientists\u2019 new technique wipes out deadly mosquito populations on two islands in Guangzhou. During two years of trials on two islands in the city of Guangzhou, researchers reduced the number of","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2019-12_a7deb20b-aebc-453c-878b-deabcebbc3be_mosquitoanddna12361859548_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/chinese-scientists-new-technique-wipes-out-deadly-mosquito-populations"},{"uid":"200","category":"FEATURE","title":"Driving a Better Future For Patients","description":"It\u2019s oft-quoted among the medical fraternity, \u201cit is quite as important for the doctor to know what kind of patient the disease has for host, as to know what sort of disease the patient has for guest\u201d. A century and a quarter later, the statement stands validated, in the face of the current developments in personalised medicine.","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-04_bdb74820-bff9-420e-a15e-13d360305a15_futureofpatients_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/driving-a-better-future-for-patients"},{"uid":"199","category":"COVID-19","title":"Mysterious Inflammatory Syndrome Tied to COVID-19","description":"Mysterious Inflammatory Syndrome tied to COVID-19 strikes adults as well as kids. The CDC released a report describing a \"multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults\" or (MIS-A), months after a similar condition was reported in children.","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-12_d768d8e1-a260-4098-bae9-f2555f2c61ce_shutterstock_1720700239__Converted__01.png","slug":"\/health-library\/mysterious-inflammatory-syndrome-tied-to-covid-19"},{"uid":"198","category":"COVID-19","title":"Corona Virus: The Global Fight","description":"COVID-19, The Global Fight depends on the health system of vulnerable countries. The 2019 novel coronavirus has caused a public-health emergency in China, a global economic superpower. Like many","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-03_f78fac9a-0e35-4b2c-a9ae-4615fe1edd32_shutterstock_1625951248_01.jpeg","slug":"\/health-library\/corona-virus-the-global-fight"},{"uid":"197","category":"COVID-19","title":"Coronavirus Cases Spike After Changes to Diagnosis Method","description":"A sudden spike in new coronavirus cases in China this week shocked researchers. But the huge bump in numbers isn\u2019t a sign that the epidemic is worsening, say researchers, it is instead the result of authorities changing how cases are confirmed.","date":"March 16, 2021","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/theamj_2020-04_cf3b61aa-0cc7-4005-8138-1ec604b63f50_chinas_move_to_lockdown_wuhan_delayed_spread_of_coronavirus_outside_study_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/coronavirus-cases-spike-after-changes-to-diagnosis-method"},{"uid":"196","category":"FEATURE","title":"What Every Parent Needs to Know About the Types of Brain Tumours","description":"A brain tumour, which is also known as intracranial tumours, is essentially an abnormal mass of brain tissue, wherein cells begin to grow and multiply in an uncontrolled manner.","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Brain_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-every-parent-needs-to-know-about-the-types-of-brain-tumours"},{"uid":"195","category":"FEATURE","title":"What Comes Next If Doctors Suspect That Your Child May Have A Brain Tumour","description":"Brain tumours are, by far, the most common solid tumours that develop in children as well as adolescents, with nearly 5,000 children being diagnosed every year.","date":"October 14, 2022","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/What_01.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/what-comes-next-if-doctors-suspect-that-your-child-may-have-a-brain-tumour"}],"recents":[{"uid":"329","category":"FEATURE","title":"Diarrhea: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment","description":"Diarrhea is a common digestive ailment that virtually everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It is characterized by frequent, watery bowel movements that can vary in severity. \n\nIn this article, let's shed light on the causes and symptoms of diarrhea and learn how to treat and manage it.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Diarrhea_02.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/diarrhea-symptoms-causes-treatment"},{"uid":"328","category":"FEATURE","title":"Thyroid Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment","description":"The thyroid plays a pivotal role in controlling critical body functions through hormone production. However, when its functionality is skewed, a myriad of health complications can arise. \n\nIn this blog, let's understand more about thyroid disease, and its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Thyroid_Disease.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/thyroid-disease-symptoms-causes-treatment"},{"uid":"327","category":"FEATURE","title":"Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment","description":"The thyroid, resembling a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of our necks, is crucial for producing hormones that regulate various bodily functions. Unfortunately, like other organs, the thyroid can be impacted by cancer. In this blog, let's delve into thyroid cancer, exploring symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.","date":"December 6, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Thyroid_Cancer.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/thyroid-cancer-symptoms-causes-diagnosis-treatment"},{"uid":"310","category":"FEATURE","title":"Appendicitis Uncovered: Recognizing Signs, Understanding Causes, Accurate Diagnosis, and Effective Treatment","description":"Appendicitis is a medical condition that requires prompt attention, as it can quickly progress from discomfort to a potentially life-threatening emergency. In this exploration of appendicitis, we will delve into its two distinct forms: acute and chronic. These variations of the condition present unique challenges, symptoms, and treatment approaches, which we will detail in this blog.","date":"September 18th, 2023","simage":"\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/Appendicitis.jpg","slug":"\/health-library\/appendicitis-uncovered-recognizing-signs-understanding-causes-accurate-diagnosis-and-effective-treatment"}],"categories":{"0":"FEATURE","69":"COVID-19","72":"PERSPECTIVE"}}